Casual Player looking for starter recommendation.

Seen the game since 2012, watched lotta Youtubes pretty much understand what the game is about. Now I wanna start playing the game myself.

I can't find whats the best decision to start for a casual player. I understand the game might be unplayable due to incomplete design and glitches but Im ready to for it.

Without a centralized official guideline before buying, I can't see where to start. Most of the tutorials on internet are scatterred around teaching people with lotta free time which doesn't apply to my situation.

My situations:

  1. Have a full time jobs. Limited free time. Expected to play <3 hours per day
  2. Expect something <60 USD to start.
  3. I just want to relax doing some safe grinding game with an opportunity for growth to avoid repetitive loop. Most MMORPGs just let me grind higher tier loots just to defeat higher level bosses which I find boring for its repetitiveness. (Which I understand it's the concept of MMORPGs but most game get repetitive within 2 hours of play, I expect like a week or month so it doesnt get boring without frequent change of in-game profession)


  1. Is it enjoyable to play casually now ?
  2. Best starter pack to buy for the given situation ?
  3. The gameplay decision I should be taking ?

Thank all bros.